Monday, October 11, 2010

Where have I been?

I'm still here! Just been busy these last few months. Very, very busy. I've been working on something big. BIG.

I've decided to expand Skylar's Candy Clips. New products. New website (my VERY OWN website!). New packaging. Eeeek!!! I am so excited, I'm jumping out of my pants!

There you go. That is the real reason I've been MIA and my Etsy shop is on vacation mode. Let me fill you in on some very exciting details. First off, Skylar's Candy Clips will now be under the new company, Lizzie, Izzie, & James, LLC. The name was picked out from three wonderful little people who are the darndest, sweetest, things to me - my kids. "Lizzie" (Elizabeth), "Izzie" (Isabelle) and "James" are their middle names. Here's the new logo:

The second thing that we did was to upgrade my supply stash. We switched to the highest quality felt - wool felt. Between 70% to 100% wool felt to be exact. Yummy enough for you?

This picture shows some colors that I'm using in 30% wool because they are not available in either 70 or 100% but believe me, the quality is to die for!

We hired a web designer, photographer, and a branding company to work together in forming my new website, and packaging. We are hoping to be up and running before Christmas. Hopefully! In the meantime, I am busy working on the new designs, samples for the models and photographer, and putting together a small inventory for the holiday rush.

So please be patient as I go through this new journey. More updates on our progress soon!

*For more updates, please follow me on Facebook.


  1. Congrats, Sherryl! That is so very exciting! I have been meaning to email you to tell you that we got the new headband and love it! I promise to send pics soon! I just opened a new etsy shop and am feeling overwhelmed, too, with busyness, but I promise to get my act together soon and send one your way!

  2. Holy cow that's exciting!!! Kudos to you!!! I really like the new logo. It's simple and stylish and memorable. Good work!

  3. Thank you! Your support means a lot!
